About Secret History

Commentary on Latin America.
Mostly about Mexico - but not always.
Designed to encourage readers to learn about
the apparently "secret history" of 500 million people
spread across two continents
- but not always.
You can always count on a little snark.

Monday, February 1, 2010

San Oscar Romero - Patron Saint of....

We're creeping up on thirty years since Oscar Romero was assassinated in 1980 and the bishops of El Salvador are sending another letter to the Vatican to speed up the process of canonization of the martyred archbishop. Of course that is exactly the problem. While the Church under John Paul II declared him a "Servant of God" he hasn't yet moved on in the process to be officially declared a martyr or a hero to whom a miracle has been attributed.

The martyr stage should be easy. As for the miracle part, I hope that the millions of Salvadorans and non-Salvadorans around the world who have been touched by Mon. Romero might be considered something of a miracle in a world whose sensitivity has been dulled beyond feeling.

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