Aryan Nations thugs kidnapped a girl.
A vagrant tried to kidnap my neighbors three kids.
A football player was shot and killed outside a BBQ joint.
An armored car was robbed at a bank.
A 27 year old woman shot a 5-year old in a drive by shooting.
A 14-year old was stabbed in the gut by thugs.
A man was gunned down by a stranger as he pushed a disabled car across the street.
In the last couple months a man shot and killed his wife through the kitchen window and burglars shot and killed a college student in his apartment...and two traffic accidents of drunk drivers killed 6 or 7 children down the road in Lufkin. Once more, I am AMAZED at the way my students talk about Mexico as a place of violence when the police report for the town they live is worse than they probably even know.
The Mexican border… with Canada?
2 weeks ago